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The Choir and The Oratory

or Praise and Prayer. By Josiah Conder

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Psalm cxxxvi.

To our God loud praises give,
Source of good to all who live:
Praise His name whose mercy sure
Shall eternally endure.
To the Lord your homage bring,
God of gods, of kings the King:
For his mercy, free and sure,
Shall eternally endure.
Praise Him for his deeds of might;
For His greatness infinite;
For His mercy free and sure,
Which doth evermore endure.
Who by wisdom built the skies,
And bade earth from ocean rise;


Filled the sun with glorious light;
Gave the moon to rule the night,
'Mid the stars in courses bright.
Praise Him, for His mercy sure
Shall eternally endure.
Who, when Pharaoh hardened grew,
Egypt's every first-born slew;
Leading forth, with upraised hand,
Israel from the accursed land.
For his mercy, free and sure,
Shall eternally endure.
Who, between the parted sea,
Marched his people safe and free;
But o'er Pharaoh closed the wave,
Whelmed beneath the watery grave.
For His mercy, free and sure,
Shall eternally endure.
Who through deserts wide and dread,
Israel, like a shepherd, led:
Who, for their sakes, monarchs slew,
Mighty monarchs overthrew;


Sihon, the proud Amorite,
Bashan's lord, of giant might;
And his Israel did advance
To the rich inheritance.
For his mercy, free and sure,
Shall eternally endure.
Who beheld us when brought low,
And redeemed us from the foe.
For His mercy, free and sure,
Shall eternally endure.
Who doth every blessing give:
By whose bounty all things live.
For His mercy, free and sure,
Shall eternally endure.
O give thanks; your voices raise
To the God of heaven in praise.
For his mercy, free and sure,
Shall eternally endure.