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“Our whole High Seas Fleet, without any aid from coast batteries, has delivered a victorious blow against the most powerful navy in the world. . . . The great sea fight so eagerly expected on both sides in the North Sea for twenty-two months has been fought out.” —Tageblatt.

This is your “victory”!
We who brook no defeat,
On any sea,
Being of the old sea-mind,
Smile the sea-smile, and find
Our very losses sweet.
Of your “victorious blow”
We give you the full joy:
Be glad! We know
Our strengths majestical—
Our every admiral,
Our every sailor boy.


Yet is it not “fought out”:
Lick you your wounds, good friends,
And shout and shout—
You will not shake
Nelson, or Hood, or Drake,
Or the appointed ends.