University of Virginia Library


II. Part II

While unto dawn succeeded day,
Unresting still the Victim lay;
The many-limbed one had its way.
He heard the stair-clock's tranquil ticks;
When it exultingly struck six,
He gave a score or so of kicks.
“Before to-morrow's sun up-climbs,”
He feebly said, “yon leafy limes,
I'll write a letter to the ‘Times.’”
Haggard and wan, when noon was nigh,
He rose and flung his window high;
He heard, beneath, an old man's cry.
He strove—but idly strove—to eat;
Till now, to see the potted meat
Vanish before him was a treat.
He strove to write, but strove in vain;
Dark thoughts 'gan shape them in his brain;
He listened to that old man's strain.
It rang out, maddeningly distinct;
As he gave ear to it he winked;
He dropped the pen that he had inked.