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There were two saved souls looking down;
Each had her aureole and gold gown;
And each the long wings, rosy and sweet,
Drifting from shoulder to bare feet;
And each was fair,
With dove's eyes under the pale hair.
So looking down this day and way,
They saw the earth turn, gold and grey;
And each one sought, 'mid labouring men,
To see that man she loved again,—
'Twas many a year
Since the two souls had travelled here.
And one, the elder one, at last
Saw her true lover, holding fast
His troth to her, his patient faith,
His love that vanquished time and death
And pain and fear,
And passed the grave, and leaped to her.


Her heart was glad, her eyes were glad,
And glad the tremulous smile she had;
Like a small, golden-feathered brood,
Flew her heart's anthems home to God,
Singing their song
Of love that lives though time be long.
Then did she turn, remembering
That younger soul, who with drooped wing
Leant down; and her dove's eyes were sad,
And sad the tremulous smile she had.
“Ah me!” said she;
“Sister, the earth's mists baffle me!”
The other, looking then, nought said;
She saw the light love comforted,
She saw the false heart's sorrow done;
And, gathering then that little one
In her embrace,
Covered the troubled eyes and face.
Down through God's Land they go at eve;
The young soul hath forgot to grieve;
The elder in her gown of white
Goes dreaming, with her eyes alight,
Of love and faith,—
Of faithful Love that eonquers Death!