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My Sweet Woodruff.
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My Sweet Woodruff.

No more the flowers of spring are seen,
And silence fills the summer noon;
The woods have lost the fresh bright green
Of May and June.
But yesterday I found a flower,
Deep sheltered from the withering rays,
Which might have known the sun and shower
Of April days.
I did not think again to find
Such tender relic of the spring;
It thrilled such gladness through my mind,
I needs must sing.
My girlhood's spring has passed for aye,
With many a fairy tint and tone;
The heat and burden of the day
Are better known.
But by my summer path has sprung
A flower of happy love, as fair
As e'er a subtle fragrance flung
On spring's clear air.
I hardly thought to feel again
Such dewy freshness in my heart,
And so one little loving strain
Must upward start.


There was spring-sunshine in my eyes,
I had such joy in finding you
So full of all I love and prize,
So dear and true.
My heart is richer far to-day
Than when I came a week ago;
How near to me such treasure lay
I did not know!
The long parenthesis is o'er,
And now, in letters all of light,
The story of our love once more
We both may write.
I have no words to breathe the praise
Which now for this ‘good gift’ I owe;
A wordless anthem I must raise,
But HE will know.