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KOSMOBREVIA[Greek], or the infancy of the world

With an Appendix of Gods resting day, Edon Garden; Mans Happiness before, Misery after, his Fall. Whereunto is added, The Praise of Nothing; Divine Ejaculations; The four Ages of the world; The Birth of Christ; Also a Century of Historical Applications; With a Taste of Poetical fictions. Written some years since by N. B.[i.e. Nicholas Billingsley] ... And now published at the request of his Friends

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10. On Uenus.

Loves Goddess, thrice more radient then the morne
Of Cetus testicles, and Sea froth born,
With Rosy Chaplets her fair Temple's boun'd,
And sometimes with the peaceful Mirtle crown'd;
Light Torches bears, and needle-pointed Arrows,
Prodromes of love, a yoke of lecherous Sparrows
Sometimes do draw her Charriots, now she loves
To couple silver Swans, then spotless Doves;
Facundious Merc'ry, and the bounteous Graces,
Perswasive Pytho, in their several places,
Write on her honour; who was said to saile
To flow'ry Paphos, in a shell, a vaile
Of sorrow-boading Cyperus she wore,
When she Bore-kil'd Adonis did deplore.


Sometimes a wanton Goate she rides upon,
And doth house-carrying tongueless snails tread on,
Mars into Seas of wantonness did steere her,
And reeling Bacchus was her Armour-bearer.
Paris assign'd unto the Queen of love,
The golden Apple which fell from above:
Iuno prevails not though she proffers treasure,
Pallas her gifts are slighted, it is pleasure
Load-stone to vice, attracts the wanton eye
Of injuditious Paris, wit may lie
And starve, for him rich Iuno is neglected;
And Venus, who but Venus, is respected?
Hellen is rap'd, he Hellen doth enjoy,
A ten years warr ends in the fall of Troy:
O dire effects of love! by Vulcan's jaws
Troy was devour'd, but Hellen was the cause.