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Poems on Several Occasions

In Two Volumes. By Mr. Joseph Mitchell

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Yet let me no scholastick Jargon use;
Pedantick Methods are below the Muse.
I'd train my tuneful Sons a nobler Way,
And, in one View, poetick Art display.
The living Bards shou'd teach them what to shun!
The Dead, how they immortal Garlands won!
Thus I'd declaim;—“My Sons, consider well
“Your Laureat's Dictates, as ye hope to excell.
“ Think not, by writing much, t'establish Fame,
“Like B---e, whom Damnation cannot tame;


“Nor seek, by Spleen or Spite, Success to find,
“Like D---s, Scourge and Scorn of all Mankind.
“Avoid, as you'd be guarded from a Pest,
“V---h's Mechanicks, C---e's bawdy Jest,
T---p's priestly Rage, and H---'s party Zeal;
“Nor sleep, like J---n; nor, like C---r, steal.
“Save you, good Heav'n! from S---t's unhallow'd Vein,
“From P---e's Resentment, and from H---ll's Disdain,
“W---d's Self-flatt'ry, Y---g's unmeaning Rant;
T---d's low Farce, and W---s' eternal Cant.
“Never, like P---s, think hard Labour Wit;
“Nor own, like S---e, what abler Authors writ;
“Like S---n, Farce with Tragedy confound;
“Like F---n with forc'd Similies abound;
“Like G---e, or like T---l, sing no more,
“To make Men doubt if e'er you sung before;


“Like W---n, J---b, M---e, and F---d, disperse
Lampoon and Lewdness, jumbled into Verse.
“O let no Son of mine be deem'd, in Town,
Coxcomb, like B---l; or, like G---y, a Clown;
Punster, like A---t; or, like B---d, a Sot,
“A Tool, like S---ll; or, like S---e, nought.

N. B. The Author design'd this, and the following Paragraph as a Contrast: Like Light and Shade, the one sets off the other with Advantage. That which points out the peculiar Beauties and Excellencies of the Dead, would give little Offence, even tho' the Characters were unjust. But this, wherein the Faults and Foibles of the Living are represented, however justly, may be misconstrued by narrow Minds. Therefore, the Author hereby declares to all, whom it concerneth, that he has no personal Pique at any one, and cannot be at War with all the Fraternity; besides, he has nam'd none whom he does not esteem; and omitted few, whom he thought worth naming.