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SONG LVI. A Round.

SONG LVI. A Round.

[A pox on those Od-mates!]


A pox on those Od-mates!
And half witted Clode-pates!
That ne're knew the price, of a Pottle!
Nor ever took part,
Of a tedious Quart,
But tamper their Chaps,
On the dow-back't Sops.
Of pittyful Aristotle!


Blaze up to the King, say I,
Fill the Cup,
Tope it up,
Let it pass, 'tis the vote of the Commons,
To Sing, Drink and Fight,
In the world's despight.
That the Crown may be Charles his, or no mans.


A fig for Jandunus!
Here's Sack that can tune us,


In our mirth, to a note above Ela.
While the Round-head Rogues,
Like Birds (call'd Hogs)
In damnable qualms,
Howle out Wisdomes psalms
To a Presbyterian Selah


Blaze up, &c.