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Letania maior de rogacionibus
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Letania maior de rogacionibus

Letanie is a song as ȝe moweþ ofte ise[o]
To bidde ech halwe after oþer oure help forto be[o]
As me deþ a sein Markes day a lite biuore þe masse
Nou is þer double Letanie þe more & eke þe lasse
Þe more is a sein Markes day wanne þe baners beoþ out ido


Wy[þ] procession biuore þe masse & hy songe þe Letanie also
And vasteþ Cristene men ac for sein Markes loue noȝt
Ac for þe Letanie & baners þat beoþ þanne out ibroȝt
And noȝt as seiþ many fol þat sein Mark framward is
To faste is day & noȝt is eue for þat is iseid amis
Suþþe þe lasse Letanie þe Gangdawes icluped beoþ
Wanne me aboute veldes goþ wiþ baners as ȝe seoþ
Þreo dauwes and fasteþ ek þat me clupeþ þe Rouysons
Ac þe oþer is þe more icluped for þreo enchesons
Uor he was of a grettore man and in a more stude also
And for grettore neode verst iuonde and in þe ordinal ydo
Þe pope Grigori it byuond as me bad him ilome
In þe hexte stude of þe world for atte court of Rome
Þe encheson was ek gret inou for bi þulke daye
Men of Rome faste hore Leinte oure Louerd forto paye
Ac anon so Ester was icome hi turnde to glotonie
And frete and dronke sorwe inou and lyuede in lecherie
Oure Louerd nom eche ȝer þulke tyme þer of wreche inou
And uerlich in stronge deþe muche of þat folk slou
And somme as hi wende aboute ower in felde oþer in mede
Somme atte mete & somme in pley volle adoun standede
And alle þat euere deide so bi costome gonne deie
Galpinge alle oþer fneosynge as al þat folk yseie
Þere uore wanne men galpede þo hi blessede hom anon
Þeruore we makeþ oure uastynge þe nexte day of echon
Þat comeþ after Ester and biuore neuere mo
As a sein Markes day þat yconfermed was þo

Letania minor

Þe feste of þe Rouysons þe lasse Letanie is
For a lasse man it byuond & in lasse stude iwis


For a bissop louwore þanne þe pope hom made verst forþ go
In þe cite of Vienne þat lasse is þanne Rome also
Þe encheson ware uore Holy Churche halt nou boþe to
Þe vastynge of þe Rouisons & of sein Markes dai also
Þat is for þe frut an eorþe þat God let it wel sprynge
And god weder ȝiue þerto & to oure vode forþ it bringe
Þanne me makeþ processions wiþ baners arered
Þat is as oure Louerdes ost to make þe deuel aferd
Þe baners þat me berþ biuore bitokneþ victorie
Þat oure Louerd is al aboue & ywonne haþ þe maistrie
Þe dragon þat me bereþ bihinde bitokneþ oure luþer fo
Þe deuel þat is bihinde ibroȝt & worþ euere mo
So mote it bi him euere be[o] ne be[o] he neuere aboue
Nou swete Iesus it grante us for is moder loue
Þat we holde so þis procession & þe vastinge wiþoute sunne
Þat frut an eorþe come wel vorþ to helpe of mankunne
Þe feste of Holy Þoresday & eke of Wit Soneday
In þe gospelles wo so lokeþ þere he it finde may
For it nis no neod wanne hi beoþ þere to sette is here also
Forto sette is here & eke þere hit nere noȝt wel ido