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The Protestants Vade Mecum

Or, Popery Display'd in its proper Colours, In Thirty Emblems, Lively representing all the Jesuitical Plots Against this Nation, and More fully this late hellish Designe Against his Sacred Majesty. Curiously engraven in Copper-plates

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Emblem XXIII. Killegrews Man stab'd at Windsor.


Emblem XXIII. Killegrews Man stab'd at Windsor.

'Twas a mistake, and happy for the Nation,
The Consecrated Dagger was in pashion;
For 'twas so zealous to promote the thing,
It struck but a Plebeian, not a King.


But if a man come presumptuously upon his Neighbour to stay him with guile, thou shalt take him from my Altar that he may dye. EXODUS, Chap. 21. v. 14.

Ill was it meant, but well it did succeed:
Better thou happy man
To dye,
Then all the Nation bleed.
Thy life was but a span,
And this one stroak
Broak the frail yoak,
And sent thee to Eternity.
Consider where soere thou art,
Though dead,
Alive thy heart
Defended with its blood the Nations head:
'Twas you receiv'd the bloody Scorpions sting,
Which was intended for a King.
Hadst thou not been
The Touchstone to declare their sin,
The next dire stroak, if Hell had the command,
Might else have cut the heart-strings of the Land.
Thy slumbring mind,
No whit confin'd,
Roam'd with thy Soul the world about,
Till the Thief came,
Who watch'd his game,
And shut the rambling Tenants out.
As swift as thought,
They soon were brought
Back to the structure they so late had left,
Where to their grief,
They saw the Thief
Had the whole Microcosin of life berest.


Confus'd and wild
To be so overcome, so much beguil'd,
They shot away
In the bright glitt'ring streaks of day,
To an abode
More bright and nearer to a God.
Rome not content
With this,
More villains sent,
With an intent
Fully to compleat her Bliss:
But all their hope
Was vain;
Who can a War maintain,
'Gainst those whom Heav'n doth preordain?
'Tis not the Pope,
Nor all the Holy Tribe can give a wound
To him that Angels do incircle round.
Folded in Mists or various Crimes they run,
But leave the business of their Souls undone.
St. Peters Vicar! no, the Devil's rather,
Who is and ever was your only Father.
Heav'n vex'd at earth, let loose th'infernal chain,
And gave him leave to range about again.
So full of sin th'infected world was grown,
It look'd not like the Figure of his own.
Satan's let loose to plague the race of Man,
And to destroy as many as he can:
All the infernal crowd concluded on,
Was to erect a sham-Religion.
In the Abyss the secret Plot is layd,
And Satan on nights wings to earth's convey'd;
Where without stay he pitches upon Rome,
And rumours it about a Saint is come.
The silly crowd believ'd his reasons soon,
And 'gan to groap about an early noon:


Suck'd down the Dictates he did there distil,
Prov'd Whoredome lawful, requisite to kill:
Made it so easie, it did soon entice:
All flock'd to a Religion allow'd Vice.
Some formal show and Idolism they had,
Which made the Rabble with their joy run mad;
But a Supream they want to make the scope,
And then the Mobile pitch'd on a Pope.
Things thus succeeding, and thus order'd well,
Satan leaves Rome, and slinks away to Hell.