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Songs of Sion

Set for the ioy of gods deere ones, vvho sitt here by the brookes of this vvorlds Babel, & vveepe vvhen they thinke on Hierusalem vvhich is on highe. By W. L. [i.e. William Loe]

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The first speach.

Christ speakes to his spouse.


I am come dovvne o spouse most deere
To take those fruits of thine,
Which thou vvith hart of grace, & loue
Dost knovve of erst vvere mine.


I haue thought vvell of all thy workes,
As vvell of vvill as deede.
I dranke thy vvine vvith milke so svveet
With loue they doe me feede.


o you my frēds, & saincts most blest
Cheere vp your selues vvith me,
And ioy your harts vvith this my spouse
whose cates of love you see

The church speakes.


When once this vvorld had luld in sleepe
Of sinne, my selfe, my sēce
Yet vvakt mine hart to Christ my Deere,
& thou didst dravve me thence.


Christ speakes to his spouse.


Thou camst to me, & knockst full oft
At doore of my poore hart
Thou knockst I say full oft my deere
And pearst me vvith thy dart.


And saidst Ile come, & lodge vvith thee,
And dvvell vvith thee in grace,
Shut out the vvorld, thy sinns, thy shame,
& let me come in place.


For all the night I vvayte for thee,
My lockes vvith dropps of paine
Are vvett, & all to stay for thee
That I thy loue might gaine.