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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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THE AUTHOR HIS REPENTANCE fro wryting Poesies prophane.

Could I or this my scattered skrols recall,
Or my dispersed Poesies repeit,
Most willinglie I wold revock them all,
And sound from singing of such Toys retreit.
I wold envy 'gainst wanton verse and writ,
Invectiuelie of all inventions vaine:

For it infects the well desposed Sprit,
For to peruse such Poesies prophane:
They breed abuse, and brings into the braine
Phantastick folies, and phanatik freats,
Which are in deed not bot presumptions plaine,
Or at the most (but profite) poore conceats:
VVherefore, were those else published to pen,
I should assume some sadder subject then.