University of Virginia Library



Although the earthe dois bound the occeane sees,
and boreas blasts disturbs with stormes the same,
thoughe strands and floodes the tribut of theer sees
dois dewlye pay to theme that theme doth clayme,
yet for all this they dothe not proudlye frame
there stormye face in euerye streaming tyde
at euerye houer, bot quyet, calme, and tame,
dothe thole the fleiting schipps on theme to slyde:
bot thow, fearse damme, of fairnes ful and pryde,
yea, beautyes sea to quhome the tribut dewe
of teares, and sighs, of prayers oft denyed,
I have deburdend from a harte maist trewe,
dois rease thy stormes, and maks thy wynds more blaw[e],
to drone me in lovs sees and overthrawe.