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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Oh! We haue consumed, our tyme farr a mys/
Also, cleane forgotten God, in his Power most conuenient/


Through Good-thinking & Unregarding, Makes very pestilent:
But thir wicked Fame or Credit, wil we now dispise.

Away thou Unregarding, with thy Counsayle, full of Lyes.

And thou likewyse Good-thinking, with thy wiked Fruits and Plants.

Alact, alact: into what Coasts ; sith heere our Credit wants;
Shall we poore Seruitours, go now for to remayne?

Good thinking.
Wo be to vs, wo be to vs, for we shall suerly be slayne/
Now that the Man doth know, our Wyles & Suttle craftynes.

Och/Man! remember yet, thy Folly & wicked Naughtynes:
And reioyce the only in God, and in Him becom renewed.
For the tyme

Act. 17.d.

of Ignorance, God hath ouer-viewed.

And now commandeth all Men, with good Aduertisment/
That they ; for their Sinnes; shoulde vnfaynedly

Math. 3.a. Luk. 3. 24.f. Act. 3. 4. Rom. 2.a.


Because that He, a certaye Daye hath sett/
On which

Act. 17.d.

He wil urdge now without all Lett

The Circuit of the Earth, with Righteousnes and Equytee.

O Lorde God,

Danie. 5.a. b.

remember now, our ignorant Simplicitee/

And extende towards vs, thy fauorable Grace.