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To-day I found, in mischief's mood,
A fair young shepherd, whom with speed
Two desperate damosels pursued,
Each wrangling for his tender heed.
My feathery arrow's impish touch
The lad's rare coldness quick had slain—
And lo, he loved them both so much
He could not choose betwixt the twain.


To-day Sir Light-of-Heart through town
Rode languid on his charger fleet,
While high dames from their bowers flung down
Fond glances he disdained to greet.
I drew my bow; I poised its dart. ..
Pert country Doris waved a hand. ..
And now even less cares Light-of-Heart
For all the ladies in the land.



To-day, deep-stirred by wistful ruth,
A pale girl, in the cypressed gloom,
Knelt sorrowing near a gentle youth,
Stretched Romeo-like beside a tomb.
I wrought my archery's pranksome spell,
And lingeringly, ere set of sun,
This Romeo had found out there dwell
More Juliets in the world than one.


To-day where grouped like rusty spears
Dry reeds below the misted skies,
I saw Queen Summer chide with tears
King Autumn in his conqueror guise.
His rule she spurned; he scorned her charms;
Fierce clashed they, till two shafts I sped. ..
Then soon in Autumn's pitying arms
Poor Summer bowed her sovereign head.


To-day I chanced upon a maid
Who crouched beside a woodland well,
With rapture-lighted look that strayed
Where sweet her own reflection fell.
Such rank self-worship roused my spleen. ..
The clumsiest oaf came rambling by. ..
Henceforth with fervours fiery-keen
For him she lives, for him would die.



To-day it pleased my whim to join
A dungeoned miser, grey and spare,
Who slowly counted coin by coin
With greedy clutch and fevered glare.
His dear dead sweetheart's fleshly mould
Re-sentient to his sight I gave ...
Swift at my feet he swept his gold,
And cowered before me like a slave.


To-day I chose, at early dawn,
Through palace walls unseen to float,
And watch, from draperies half withdrawn,
The sleeping princess, Ivory Throat.
With airy kiss I brushed her cheek,
Then backward sprang, a wondering elf—
Since I, Love, I (O fate unique!)
Had fallen in love with her myself!