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I wish, dear love, we had a world,
A world that's all our own,
Not large enough for wealth and power,
But just for us alone;
A fairy island far away
In some bright southern sea,
Where skies should shine and earth should smile
Only for you and me, dear love,
Only for you and me!
We'd have a pretty little cot
With swallows in the eaves,
Where humming-birds glance in and out
Among the whispering leaves,
A home of music, love and mirth
With brook and bird and bee,
And birds should sing and bees should hum
Only for you and me, dear love,
Only for you and me!


A woodbine with caressing arms
Should cling about our door,
And sweet wild-roses on the air
Their fragrant breath should pour;
The sun should shine, the streams should sing,
The flowers bloom gorgeously,
And all should shine and sing and bloom
Only for you and me, dear love,
Only for you and me!
A living fountain near our home
Should make us music rare,
The sparkles of its shining spray
Cooling the fragrant air;
We'd listen oft in summer eves
Its ringing melody,
Rejoicing that it leaped and sang
Only for you and me, dear love,
Only for you and me!
And when our lives had flowed along
To three-score years and ten,
The length of days the Father good
Giveth the sons of men,—
One in our death, as one in life,
Our mingled hearts should be,
For death should come, if come he must,
At once to you and me, dear love,
At once to you and me!


The bosom thou hadst leaned upon
So trustingly in life,
Should be thy pillow ev'n in death,
My own belovéd wife!
We'd rest within one quiet grave
Beside the murmuring sea,—
A grave just wide and deep enough
Only for you and me, dear love,
Only for you and me!