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[From Körner, 1831, revised 1846.]

Father, I call on Thee!
Roaring, the smoke of the battle rolls o'er me;
Flashing, the lightning of death is before me:
God of the battle, I call on Thee:
Father, oh, lead Thou me!
Father, oh, lead Thou me!
Whether to conquer or perish betide me,
Lord, Thy commandment ever shall guide me.
Lord, as Thou will, so guide Thou me:
God, I acknowledge Thee!
God, I acknowledge Thee!
As when the leaves in harvest-time rustle,
So in the war-tempest's terrible justle,
Outspring of Grace, I acknowledge Thee.
Father, oh, bless Thou me!
Father, oh, bless Thou me!
Life I commit to Thy hands, in heaven;


Well mayest Thou take what by Thee has been given:
In living, in dying, bless Thou me!
God, I give praise to Thee!
God, I give praise to Thee!
Strife is not here for mean barter or chattel;
All that is holiest hangs on our battle:
Fall we, or stand, I give praise to Thee:
God, I submit to Thee!
God, I submit to Thee!
When me the thunder of death has greeted,
When from my veins the life's-blood has fleeted,
To Thee,—I commit myself to Thee:
Father, I call on Thee!