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How CAN this country fail to become one of the best educated ones in the world, as long as people are willing to make such sacrifices for their children?

Who but must admire their self-abnegation in favor of those who are coming on to fill their places?

Of course, sometimes, they overdo it: and it strikes me these parents did.

Go you to bed now, Olga, and get you a good night's rest:
Needed we'll be tomorrow, and both must do our best.
Summer is well near over—the days will soon be cool;
Fix must we now the children, and start them off for school.
Dorothy she'll be going a part of every day,
Out to a kindergarten, to teach her how to play:
Never need to worry at all to choose her fun—
Even a part of the playing is by the teacher done.


Tommy he is in sixth grade: you hardly would suppose
Children could ever learn half the little rascal knows!
Thirteen separate studies he had, or very near:
And I am told the number will be increased, this year.
Emily's in the grammar school: the cunning little sage!
Knows some several times more than I did at her age;
Knows who she's going to marry, and leaves it me to learn;
Acts and talks like really 'twas none of my concern.
Johnny is in the high school: it's living life anew,
When that brilliant darling gives me an interview!
As he comes in to dinner, his airs are all so fine!


Seems as if we'd invited some duke or prince to dine.
Lionel's off for college—he's one of their smartest smart:
He has been studying football, and knows it all by heart.
Also the Greek and Latin: which no one need condemn,
But which, if he did not study, 'twould be the worse for them.
Samuel, he's a graduate—learned all they have to tell—
Now again he is with us, and tired, and not so well.
Have you forgotten, Olga?—I'll tell you once more, then—
Have his breakfast ready, in case that he wakes at ten.
As for their father and mother—we've had some years ago
All the old-fashioned learning on things we need to know;


But we are bound that our children, whate'er their future fate,
Must have an education, and have it up to date.