University of Virginia Library


In Charlottesville for the Summer?
Will you be back in the fall? Act
now and be the first on your block
to live within your means, stre-t-c-h
your budget with a passbook to
savings - a value packed book of
discount coupons. Parlay your
$5,00 investment into big returns
with savings on over 30 offers from
local merchants... including
restaurants, auto service, car wash,
cleaners, hair care, entertainment,
garden supplies, food, cameras,
clothing, cosmetics, plus much
more! Some thing's free, some at
greatly reduced prices, but
everything is a tremendous value.
Look into it - Call 296-1639 for
information... Hurry! Limited

ATTENTION!! Entrants in Union's
Fine Arts Contest - Please pick up
entries immed. - Exception:
Photography Division, pick up
photographs on May 28th.

W. Simpers play Lord Falkland in
Charles Stuart, King. May 10-15.
Phone 924-3051.

Parting is such sweet sorrow - dig
it. Farewell Bill Roderick, Dave.
Donna and Jennifer Pugh, Prof.
lachetta and Familiar, Pres. and Mrs.
Shannon, Mad Tom and Sally, Dean
and Mrs. Canevari, Firths, Dean and
Mrs. Quarles. The Hurt Family, The
Mallisons, B.F.D., Craig and Linda
Decker, Archibald, Prof. and Mrs.
Kelley, Hartmaters and Frig, Dean
Jean, Jean Myking, Al and Jenny,
Bill & Carl. Twonky, Shirley May,
Shi-Mo-Fo's & Chicago. Coopy Shit
Ross, John-John, Big Dick. Tim,
George & Judy. Arbor Hill School.
The Haighs, Joe Esposito, Hartney,
G.D. & Rare Book Secretaries, all
the UBA Bat people, John Ball,
Whoop Moffitt, Prof. Johnson, all
the Nokes. The Peuiccias, Luther
Gore, Delaney, Will Haltiwangor,
Ron Shibley, Scotty, Dave, and
Alice Anderson, Mrs. Fletcher,
Prof. Brooks, Pete Moon, The
Gook, Finnegain and Jennifer, Fat
Dave, M.J.K., Chuck Davis, Tom
Toolie. Edith M. Snark, The
Waterfields, Janet Miska, Phil
Paleologis, Tommy the Gun, John
Tuck, Steve, the Milkman, Frank
and Vickie, Mallman, The Silent
Newspaperboy, Corky, Doody &
Slick, John Stuart, Mike Cascio,
Alan D., Diane & Larraine,
Pumpkin, Officer No. 39 C.P.D.,
Daniel Carter Beard, Prof. Lewis,
Miscellaneous girls, Pecan Pie Girl,
and anybody else we forgot. Have a
Happy! From Mike, Craig, &
Charlie at 1705 JPAA and special
thanks to our great and munificent
sponsor. Charles S. Loving, The
man who made it all possible.

Wanted - ironing to do in my home,
call Mrs. Massie - will work out
price w/ you. 295-3546.

for Final. Orders 823-5762

LOCAL MOVING, experienced &
estab. firm, reasonable rates, ACME
TRUCKING' 296-9838, ask for
Miss Pamela.

return Linen to the Echols office
before leaving school. The office
hours will be: 12-6 p.m., May 24-28
& 9-6 p.m., May 29 - June 6.
Thank you & Good Luck on exams,
Grad. announcements have arrived.
They're in the Newcomb Hall
Bookstore. Pick them up soon. 15
cents ca.

- '69 Buick, full power, A/C,
gas-off-repairs provided. No return
transp. & no other expenses
provided. 295-3084.

Horseback riding at Montfair.,
through the fields, woods, &
mountain. 15 mi. West on Barracks
Rd. or 10 mi. No. of Crozet on Rt.
$10. Ph. 823-4196.

Paul B. Victorius Frame Shop -
1413 W. Main St. - Custom
framing for all degrees. Special
Discount cards being mailed to all
graduating students.

Aug. 29 - $202. June 25 - Aug.
28, $222. NY/Lon. R.T. Open only
to Univ. of Va. Students, Faculty,
& Staff. Call Va. Student Fits.
293-9485 pref. after 10 p.m.