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1 occurrence of sweeney
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Page 47


The separate fees charged when students pursue an elective, instead
of the regular course are as follows:

Chemistry  $25 
Anatomy  30* 
Materia Medica  15 
Physiology  20 
Medical Jurisprudence  15 
Anatomy and Materia Medica  35* 
Physiology and Surgery  25 
Practice of Medicine  25 
Medical Biology  25* 
Practical Pharmacy  20* 
The courses marked with * include the charge for laboratory material. 

The necessary expenses of a student in the regular courses of the
Medical Department for the session of nine months are estimated as
below, both for the lowest rate of living and for a more liberal expenditure:

Tuition (including fee for dissection)  $110  $110 
Matriculation  25  25 
Infirmary fee 
Contingent deposit  10  10 
Dormitory rent  15  30 
Servant's attendance 
Furniture for dormitory  19 
Fuel and lights  12  24 
Washing  14  14 
Board  99  162 
Total necessary expenses  $310  $410 
Payable on entrance  $210  $250 

The contingent deposit of $10 is credited in final settlement. This
deposit is assessed for any damage to property, violation of Library
rules, and so on, which the student himself may commit.

To the above total must be added the cost of books, stationery, and
dissecting instruments, about $45 for the entire course, and the cost of
a degree, if taken, which, is $15. The books purchased will be of permanent
value to the student as a part of his professional library.