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Being Present
The Right honorable The Earle of Warwick.

Sr Edwin Sandis Knt Thr̃er. 
Sr Dudley Diggs.  mr Dr Winstone.  mr Ed: Scott. 
Sr Tho: Gates.  mr Dr Anthony.  mr Geo: Swinhowe. 
Sr Iohn: Dãuers.  mr Tho: Gibbs.  mr Tho: Kightley. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Robt Offley.  mr Wm Palmer. 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Rich: Rogers.  mr Wiseman. 
mr Aldr̃an Iohnson.  mr Wm Caninge.  mr Lewson. 
mr Iohn Wroth.  mr fferrar Iunior mr Iadwine. 
mr Iohn fferrar Dept.  mr Essington.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Geo: Thorpe.  mr Hen: Briggs.  mr Roberts. 
Wth others. 

The Magazine Shipp being returned from Virginia, and a Packett of
wrightings receaued from Abraham Persey the Capemerchant, but not
any L̃re yet receaued from Sr George Yeardley the Gouernor, the same
was now presented to this Court, where in the Packett was conteyned
a generall ɫre to the Adventurers, an Invoice of the goodℯ now come
home, a bill of Lading, a certificate of the misdemeanor of one Showell
who was sent to assist the Capemercht, a note of such goodℯ as the
Country standeth in need of, an Invoice of the goodℯ Wth was Landed
by the George 1617, An account of the same goods, two bills of Exch̴ to
Sr Iohn Wolstenholme, and a note of mony Wch the Marriners oweth
to the said Adventurers.


The Generall ɫre being now read, It was moued by mr Thr̃er, that 2
pointℯ especially therein might be taken into considerac̃on;


  • Whither it be convenient that libertie be giuen to the Capemer-
    chant according as he desireth to barter and sell the Comodities as he
    cann and as is vsuall in free trading: As also liberty to the Inhab-
    itants there to barter and sell their comodities.
  • 2.

  • That as he writeth he is ouercharged wth aboundance of needles
    Comodities, and wanteth Ploughes and other necessaries, wch he hath
    often writt for, that it may be thought of how to be remedyed. [24]

To wch purpose, the Court haue now appointed ffower of the Counsell,
2 of Smiths Hundred and 2 of Martins Hundred, viztt of the Counsell
Sr Tho: Gates, mr Iohn Wroth, mr Deputy fferrar and Capt Argoll;
ffor Smiths Hundred, mr Thomas Gibbs and mr Robt Smith; ffor
Martins Hundreth, mr Geo: Chambers, and mr Wm Caninge, who
together wth the Director and Comittees for the Magazine are desired
to meete too morrow in the Afternoone at mr Treasurrs howse to con-
sider of these Two points, & to pervse the writings, that care may be
taken to redresse what is amisse.

Next according to an order made in the Last Court, mr Thr̃er required
of the Officers then chosen for the Magazine, such Acco as was then
comitted to their care to be perfected, and brought in as vpon this
day at the furthest: but perceauing that mr Essington was gone and
that noe Account could be presented, being some thing moued that
from time to time they should be putt of and could haue neither paid
the money wch appeareth to be due to the Company, nor that they
would meete to audite the same, addressed himselfe to mr Alderman
Iohnson as Director thereof, saying, he would complaine to the Lordℯ
of the Counsell of it, or comence suite against him. Wherevpon
mr Alderman conceauing as he afterwardℯ said he had threatned him
in his owne person, replied, that he durst not, wth some other angry
wordℯ he then vttered; wch some of the Counsell tooke excepc̃ons at,
saying, the Court was very much wronged by it, and that if it were
suffered to haue the Treasuror so vsed, there would be noe respect
given vnto him, to wch the Court consented: And mr Thr̃er for his
part affirmed, that he did not meane mr Alderman otherwise then as


∥he was∥ Director of the Magazine, & when he spoke of himselfe he
meant the Virginia Company: Which being putt to the question,
whither the Court vnderstood that he spoke perticulerly of his person,
or of the Adventurers of the Magazine, it was by most voices affirmed,
that they vnderstood in speaking to him, that he ment of the Maga-
zine Company: And because it should not passe wthout some reproofe
or acknowledgmt of his part of an error, for preventing the like here-
after soe neere as may be; It was moued by mr Wm Caninge, that the
Cort might presently decide it; and afterward vpon putting the ques-
tion, by generall erecc̃on of handℯ agreed that the Counsell now
present being the Ea: of Warwicke, Sr Thomas Gates, Sr Iohn Dãuers,
Sr Nath: Riche, mr Iohn Wroth and mr Deputy fferrar should meete
too morrow morning at my Lo: of Southamptons, and they together
wth his Lõp to consider of mr Aldermans words and to censure him

And because the Court could not now haue the meanes to end the
differences depending betweene the Company and the Magazine
Adventurers, it was desired that mr Thr̃er would please to giue order
for an extraordinary Court for the determining (if it may be) [25]
of the same: who hath appointed, that vpon Tuesday next in the
Afternoone the Company and Officers of the Magazine be warned to
meete at Sr Thomas Smithes.

Mr Alderman Iohnson being formerly chosen Director of the Maga-
zine did now disclayme the same; but wthall promising that he would
assist the Comittees thereof in any thing he might; but to be the
Director he would not.