The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909 |
The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia | ||
Sec. | |
APPEAL BY OFFICERS suspended or removed by mayor | 1033 |
APPROPRIATION, regulations concerning | 1015h |
Exceeding $100, etc. | 1033c |
To charitable and other institutions | 1038 |
ASSESSMENTS for laying of sidewalks, alleys, sewers, etc. | 1041a |
ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY for municipal taxation | 1033h |
ATTENDANCE OF MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, how compelled | 1015g |
BANK STOCK, how assessed and taxed | 1040a |
BONDS and other interest-bearing obligations, regulation of issuance of |
1033g |
What bonds excepted in determining limitation | 1033g |
BORROWING OF MONEY, regulation of | 1015h |
BUDGET AND LEVY to be made annually by council | 1043 |
CAPITATION TAX, on whom laid | 1043 |
CENSUS OF CITIES, how and when taken | 1015b |
CITY SERGEANT, powers, duties and compensation | 1018, 1019 |
CITIES AND TOWNS, definition of | 1013a |
CITY OFFICERS, election or appointment of | 1016, 1032c, 1033b |
Forbidden to have interest in contract with city | 823 |
CLERK CITY COURT, election, term and duties | 1032a |
Term when to begin | 1033b |
CLERK OF COUNCIL, duty in case of veto by mayor of resolutions, ordinances, etc. |
1033c |
CONTRACTS, councilmen and city officials forbidden to have interest in contracts with city, etc. |
823 |
COUNCILMEN, forbidden to have interest in contract with city | 823 |
How expelled | 1015g |
Ineligible during term of office and for one year thereafter to any office to be filled by council |
1015d |
Residents and qualified voters of their wards | 1015a |
Terms, etc. | 1015a |
[References are to Sections] | |
COUNCILS OF CITIES, attendance how compelled | 1015g |
Composition of | 1015a |
Election and term | 1033b |
Establishment of election districts | 114 |
Establishment and change of wards | 1015 |
Expulsion of members | 1015g |
Fire department may be required to render aid beyond the city limits under prescribed conditions |
1038 |
General and enumerated powers | 1038 |
Investigation by | 1015g |
Journal of proceedings | 1015g |
Libraries and reading rooms, authority to establish | 1043a |
Meetings shall be open | 1015g |
Meetings, when to be secret | 1015g |
Meetings of, how called | 1015f |
Minutes, how approved, by whom signed | 1015f |
Organization of | 1015a |
Presiding officer, duties | 1015f |
Punishment of members | 1015g |
Quarterly statements of disbursements to be published | 1047 |
Quorum | 1015h |
Reapportionment of representation among wards | 1015b |
Reconsideration of vote, procedure in | 1015h |
Rules and officers of | 1015g |
Survey and plan of city to be made and recorded | 1014 |
Vacancies, how filled | 1015e |
Veto, disposition of | 1033c |
Vice president, his duties | 1015f |
Ward boundaries, when to be changed | 1015b |
DELINQUENT TAX LISTS, arrangement and disposition of | 1045 |
Examination of, how credit for allowed treasurer | 1046 |
DISBURSEMENT OF CITY FUNDS, publication of | 1047 |
ELECTION DISTRICTS, how established | 114 |
ELECTION OF CITY OFFICIALS | 1016, 1032c, 1033b |
FIRE DEPARTMENT, service outside of city limits may be required under prescribed conditions |
1038 |
Compliance with, how compelled | cl. 6, 1033f |
Control and operation of by city in certain cases | 1033e |
Extension or enlargement of | cl. 5, 1033f |
How granted | 1033d, 1033e, 1033f |
Penalty in certain cases | cl. 7, 1033f |
Term of | 1033e |
INVESTIGATIONS by council or committees, power to compel attendance, etc. |
1015g |
INVESTIGATIONS BY COUNCIL, witnesses | 1015g |
INVESTIGATIONS BY MAYOR, of police and fire departments, etc. |
1033 |
Of city officials | 1033 |
LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS, how established and maintained |
1043a |
How governed | cl. 2, 1043a |
LICENSES, not to be required of news papers | 1038e |
Not required of persons selling products raised or grown by them |
1042a |
On what assessed | 1042 |
MAP OF CITY, approval of by council | 1014 |
MAP OF CITIES AND TOWNS to be made and recorded | 1014 |
MAP OF WARDS to be recorded and description of published | 1015 |
MAYOR, | |
Election, term and duties | 1033, 1033b |
How removed | 1033 |
Vacancy in office, how filled | 1033 |
Veto power | 1033c |
How called | 1015f |
MINUTES OF COUNCIL, how approved and by whom signed | 1015f |
NEWSPAPERS, exemption from license tax | 1038a |
Appropriating money | 1015h |
Borrowing money | 1015h |
Vetoed, action by council | 1033c |
When operative | 1033c |
Authority in criminal matters | cl. 1, 1017a |
Expenses allowed in certain cases | cl. 3, 1017a |
No authority in civil matters | cl. 2, 1017a |
Not to receive any fee or other compensation except in certain cases |
cl. 3, 1017a |
Powers and duties | 1017a |
Rewards may be received for arrest in certain cases | cl. 4, 1017a |
POWERS OF COUNCIL, general and enumerated | 1038, 1038b, 1038c |
Duties, general | 1015f |
Duties in absence of mayor | 1033 |
Election and term | 1015f |
Vacancy, how filled | 1015f |
PUBLICATION of disbursements by council | 1047 |
REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, how assessed for municipal taxation |
1033h |
RULES as to quorum and the passage of certain ordinances | 1015h |
SALE OF PRODUCTS by persons growing same, no license required |
1042a |
SERGEANT, powers, duties and compensation | 1018, 1019 |
Council may compel connection with | 1038c |
Council may prescribe ordinances for regulation | 1038c |
Laying of, how authorized | 1038c |
SIDEWALKS, etc., how assessments for to be made | 1041a |
STREETS, AVENUES, etc., not to be occupied by corporations or persons without franchise rights in certain cases |
cl. 7, 1033 |
SURVEY OF CITIES AND TOWNS to be made and recorded | 1014 |
SUSPENSION AND REMOVAL of officers by mayor | 1033 |
TAXES, annual levy for | 1043 |
Bank stock, taxation of | 1040a |
On what subjects assessed | 1043 |
Penalty for non-payment of | 1041 |
Delinquent tax lists, duty in reference to | 1045 |
Power to distrain for city levies | 1044 |
VACANCIES IN COUNCIL, how filled | 1015e |
VACANCY IN OFFICE OF MAYOR, who to discharge duties | 1033 |
VETO OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTION, regulations concerning |
1033c |
VOTE BY COUNCIL, when reconsidered or rescinded | 1015h |
WARDS, | |
Boundaries of, how changed | 1015 |
Change of, effect on officers in | 1015b |
Change of, voters to be transferred without re-registration | 1015 |
Obligatory upon council to change boundaries | 1015b |
Reappointment of representation, how compelled | 1015c |
When boundaries to be changes | 1015b |
The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia | ||