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Lord, Thou hast bid Thy people pray
For all that bear the sovereign sway
And Thy vicegerents reign;
Rulers, and governors, and powers:
And lo! in faith we pray for ours;
Nor can we pray in vain.
Jesu, Thy chosen servant guard,
And every threatening danger ward
From his anointed head;
Bid all his griefs and troubles cease,
And through the paths of heavenly peace
To life eternal lead.
Cover his enemies with shame,
Defeat their dire malicious aim,
Their baffled hopes destroy:
But shower on him Thy blessings down;
Crown him with grace, with glory crown,
And everlasting joy.
To hoary hairs be Thou his God,
Late may he seek that high abode,
Late to his heaven remove;
Of virtues full, and happy days,
Accounted worthy by Thy grace
To fill a throne above.


And when Thou dost his spirit receive,
O give him, in his offspring, give
Us back our king again;
Preserve them, Providence Divine,
And let the long illustrious line
To latest ages reign.
Secure us of his royal race
A man to stand before Thy face,
And exercise Thy power;
With wealth, prosperity, and peace,
Our nation and our church to bless,
Till time shall be no more.