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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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To his dere brother Ihon Sheppard gent. of Grayes Inne.
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To his dere brother Ihon Sheppard gent. of Grayes Inne.

My brother deere, my hope, my chere,
my trusty Sheppard true:
The surest Sheppard I can finde
among the Sheppards crue.
By name thou art a Sheppard sure
a Sheppard eak in deed:
A happy Sheppard I thee finde


to mee in all my neede.
So long as thou my Sheppard art,
in lacke I can not liue:
To pasture greene, by pleasant brokes,
thou daily dost mee driue.
Thou plaist the part of pastor pure,
thou keepst me in the way:
Thou wilt not let mee wander wilde
in wildernes astray.
Thou wilt not let me set my foote,
in Popishe path to tred:
Thou dost abhorre as Plutos Pit
his mitred monsters hed.
Persist good brother in the race,
thou hast begun to runne:
Serue God so as thou daily dost,
the snares of Sathan shunne.
Fight like a valiant Sheppard stout,
against the Woulfe of hell:
Feede like a Pastor pure the poore,
so as thou hast done well.
So shall the Lord be Sheppard thine,
and pay thee double twice:
And bryng thee to the pasture pure,
of princely paradice.