University of Virginia Library


[Away with him from earth, they cry]

The multitude...followed after, crying, &c. —xxi. 36.

Away with him from earth, they cry,
The wretch too vile on earth to live!
Away with him, the death to die!
The world can grant him no reprieve,
(Of whom the world unworthy was,)
Stone, burn, or nail him to a cross.
Such honour all the people gain
Who Thee our Lord and Pattern own,
Condemn'd by fierce unrighteous men,
With clamour violently borne down,
Our life we carry in our hand,
And yield it up at Thy command.


But arm us for that fiery hour,
Our Saviour God for ever near,
Clothe with the Spirit of Thy power
And threatening man we scorn to fear,
Who cannot slay or ill entreat,
Or touch us, till Thy love permit.