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The Benefits of a Theatre.

Prithee Jerry be quiet, cease railing in vain,
Nor banter the Stage with Invectives again;
I find thou art ignorant still of its Merit,
And rail but as Quakers when warm'd with the Spirit.
Shall a Place be put down when we see it affords
Fit Wives for great Poets, and W---s for great Lords?
Since Angellica blest with a singular Grace
Had by her fine Acting preserv'd all his Plays,
In an amorous Rapture young Valentine said,
One so fit for his Plays, might be fit for his Bed;
He warmly pursu'd her, she yielded her Charms,
And blest the kind Youngster in her kinder Arms:


But at length the poor Nymph did for Justice implore,
H'as married her now, tho he'd --- her before.
If such things will help to reform thy ill Nature,
Prithee Jerry enquire the Truth of the Matter.
Ask D---n the Rake what he means at Threescore?
Or prithee ask C---n what made her turn W***?
To be kept by a Duke there is much to be said for't,
Especially too since she soundly is paid for't;
Since her Voice and her Eyes could his Grace so bewitch,
'Twas better snap him than be mumbl'd by R---ch.
Next ask honest P***ce what the Devil he thinks on,
To let his dear Betty be stallion'd by K---n?
What Philtres his Lordship made use of to win her,
That one so demure should be turn'd to a Sinner?
A Saint in appearance, but true Flesh and Blood,
Who resisted the Devil as long as she could.
So long he attack'd her, the Matter is clear,
She perfectly long'd to be --- by a P---.