University of Virginia Library


[Omnipotent Redeemer]

And when they heard it, they glorified, &c. —xxi. 20.

Omnipotent Redeemer,
Our ransom'd souls adore Thee,
Whate'er is done,
Thy work we own,
And give Thee all the glory;
With thankfulness acknowledge
Our time of visitation,
Thine hand confess,
And gladly bless
The God of our salvation.
Thou hast employ'd Thy servants,
And bless'd their weak endeavours;
And lo in Thee
We myriads see
Of practical believers;
The church of pardon'd sinners,
Exulting in their Saviour,


Sing all day long
The gospel song,
And triumph in Thy favour.
Thy wonders wrought already
Require our ceaseless praises;
But show Thy power,
And myriads more
Take into Thine embraces:
But fill our earth with glory,
And known by every nation
God of all grace
Receive the praise
Of all Thy new creation.