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[Nearer the destined time and place]

He took Paul's girdle, and bound his own, &c. —xxi. 11.

Nearer the destined time and place
As Jesus' resolute servant draws,
The spirit of sure prophetic grace
His sufferings in his Master's cause
With clearer evidence foreshows,
And arms' him for the coming woes.
What honour for the follower poor
Entreated as his Lord to be!
Jesus did more for him endure
To buy His creature's liberty:
(Given up into the Heathen's hands)
He bought our peace and burst our bands.
Thrice happy prisoner of the Lord,
Thy gospel still unbound remains;
And nations through the joyful word
Redeem'd shall bless thy sacred chains,
The' apostle of the Gentiles own;
But give the praise to Christ alone.