University of Virginia Library



[Such a witness for my Lord]

I kept back nothing that was profitable unto, &c. —xx. 20.

Such a witness for my Lord
He knows I fain would be,
Minister the gospel word
With true fidelity,
By the simple truth commend
Myself to all men's consciences,
Keep in view my only end,
To profit, not to please.
Faithfully I would declare
Whate'er may useful prove,
Dare to' offend transgressors, dare
The' unruly to reprove;
Preach the cross, whoe'er refuse,
Nor fear by truth to scandalize,
Preach the stumbling-block to Jews,
And folly to the wise.
What I publicly proclaim
I would in private show,
Teach from house to house the same,
And preach where'er I go;
Urge, repeat, apply, enforce,
My talents, gifts, and life employ,
Till I end my painful course
In everlasting joy.