University of Virginia Library


[That day by earliest saints confess'd]

Upon the first day of the week, when the disciples, &c. —xx. 7.

That day by earliest saints confess'd,
That day distinguish'd from the rest
By our reviving Lord,
In solemn prayer His people spend,
And constant in His courts attend
The life-inspiring word.
We all obedient to our Head
Break the commemorative bread,
Drink the mysterious wine,


Communion with the members know,
And find our heaven begun below
In fellowship Divine.
O that the world with us would taste
The double spiritual repast;
The word of pardoning grace,
The sacramental food receive,
And quicken'd by Thy Spirit live,
The life of holiness.
Jesus, eternally the same,
Revive the long extinguish'd flame
Of pure primeval love,
To Thee and all Thy people join'd
The world shall then with transport find
How angels live above.