University of Virginia Library



Night with thy mantle of gloom
Falling in fold upon fold,
Thou layest the Earth in a tomb
Of darkness and silence and cold:
Night with thy mantle of gloom.
Night with thy semblance of Death,
It was thus before life had begun,
When no lips earthly had breath,
And no leaf looked to the sun:
Night, thou art semblance of Death.
Night with thy breathing of balm
Wafted on wings of the dew,
Thou art giver of rest and of calm
And of worn life quickened anew:
Night with thy dew and thy balm.


Night with thy stillness profound,
Thou holdest our voice and our thought
To hearken a holier sound
Than the stir of the noontide brought:
Night with thy stillness profound.
Night with thy star-thronged sky,
Hidden no more by the day,
Thou drawest the spirit on high,
Winging his infinite way:
Night of the star-thronged sky.