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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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A cliff-top lone and high;
A noon-day soft and calm;
Sea melting into sky;
Sky into liquid balm;
Horizon lost!—
The vast expanse how bare!
Unmoving, here and there,
Clouds floating on the Sea,
Ships white-sailed, hung in Air,
Four—five at most:
How tiny each—a toy
Upon the pale blue, fair,
Silent Immensity!
—So better to enjoy
Their dreamy talk,
Our Student and his Guide,
He of the shaggy hair
Snow-white—the weary-eyed,
Now on the cliff-top bare
Together walk.


“But for Power?” the latter was saying, “Can we who are forced to believe
That the First Cause of All is Intelligence greater than Man can conceive—
Guess the mode of its Power?—Just think of the Force in this Cosmos we trace:
This Earth flying miles as we speak it, a thousand a minute through Space!
In a second from Pole to Equator Auroral effulgences leap!
Then the billion-leagued shudders of Light, how they speed through the Infinite Deep!
Yet beside Gravitation—Attraction, all these may but linger and creep!
Ever swifter, more subtile, intense grows the Power that recedes and ascends;
To Omnipotence still and Ubiquity nearer and nearer it tends!
What should stay its progression—that Power expanding, intensified still,
At the point where we cease to perceive?—But confess, to Omnipotent ‘Will,’
As of Force the sole fountain our reason can reach, ere the quest must be stanched,
We may follow, and fairly, the Might that across the Immensities launched
Wafts a million of Worlds on its breath in a sprinkle of galaxy-spray,
And can weave the gold meshes of Life our Earth-speck is webbed with to-day!—
So this Cosmos itself of that Will were the outcome, expression and sign,
Were its infinite-spreading and endlessly-ramified Instrument, Shrine,
And myriad-organed Embodiment ever and wholly divine!


Worked from some inconceivable Source, say, of mental or physical Light—
Inconceivable truly, but real,—in the Universe hid or in sight!