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Israel in Egypt

A Poem. By Edwin Atherstone

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Wonder and terror then! for, lo! the staff,
Which, ere it left his hand, two fingers' breadth,
At most, had been,—to even a dragon's bulk
Suddenly swelled: the crook a head became,
With quivering, flame-like tongue, and fiery eyes,
And jaws wide gaping, and terrific fangs;
The point, a bony tail that lashed the air.
Down to the floor it fell, a heavy weight;
Its horny talons stamping, like the hoofs
Of a war-steed. King, princes, priests, yelled out,
And sprang upon their feet.
But instantly,
The watchful demons in their spirits passed;
And therein courage inspired; and confidence
That even the like could Egypt's sorcerers do;
And so disprove that, aided by his God,
Aaron this wonder had done. Then went command;
And speedily into the presence came
Pharaoh's magicians,—each with rod in hand;
Each by his demon taught, both what had been,
And what was yet to be. But Mascron, first,
Mightiest among them, toward the throne went straight;


Brief reverence made; then, on the ringing floor
Striking vehemently his staff, cried out;