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A Harvest Hymn.


A Harvest Hymn.

His merciful kindness is ever more and more towards us.” —Ps. cxvii. 2.

More and more, as years roll round,
Thy dear mercies, Lord, abound,
And thy kindnesses descend
Without measure, without end.
More and more, Lord, we would give
Thanks to Thee in whom we live;
And ascend to Thee above
On the ladder of Thy love.
Day by day Thy doors of gold
Are for our delight unrolled:
Sunshine marches o'er the world
With its banners all unfurled.


Blossoms opening their fair eyes
Waft their incense to the skies;
Happy birds upon the wing
Welcome to the morning sing.
Cornfields lifting up their spears
Bravely put to flight men's fears;
While a whisper soft and low
Tells of the “much fruit” they show.
Rippling o'er the breezy plain
Shine the breadths of golden grain:
North and south and east and west
With the smile of God are blest.
More and more, as years roll by,
Kindness cheers us from on high;
More and more our thanks shall rise
For the bounty of the skies.
Gracious Lord, accept our praise
For the love that crowns our days;
But most chiefly, as is meet,
For Thy Heavenly “Corn of Wheat.”