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Moral and political fables

ancient and modern. Done into Measurd Prose intermixd with Ryme. By Dr. Walter Pope

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Fab. L. The Wolf and Lamb.

A Wolf was drinking near a Rivers head,
And saw a Lamb, upon his bended knees
Quenching his thirst in the same Stream below,
He tho' fully resolvd the Lamb should die,
Sought a pretence to kill him legaly,


And with the Cloak of Justice, cover wrong.
With a stern Countenance, and impetuous Tone,
Thus to the Lamb he spoke, Vile Animal,
Dost thou know who I am? and use me thus?
Dar'st thou disturb the Water which I drink?
Sir, said the Lamb, I hope I've done no wrong,
The Water which I trouble, goes not back
Against the Stream, to prejudice your draught.
Then you dispute, the baffld Wolf replyd,
What is this else, but to tell me I lyd?
But what's i'th' Bone will never out o'th' Flesh.
Your Family has always hated mine,
And set against us Shepherds and their Dogs.
The Lamb began to answer, but the Wolf
Impatient of delay, tore out his Heart.

The Moral.

No Plea is good when Bad Men are in Power.

Another out o' th' Dutch. That is

Men slay the harmless Lamb, for's Flesh, and Skin.
A Stick is easily found to beat a Dog.