University of Virginia Library

To my Lord of Dorset on his Installment.

My Lord,

In this most honour'd List of Fame
We have expected long to find your Name:
This Star upon your Ancestors did shine,
And Buckhurst shall transmit it to his Line;
Nor bring your Titles to their View,
But make your Worth hereditary too.
Others may need a Prop to buoy their Praise
And feed the Fame a false Applause does raise;
In vain—the Courtier can't the Coward hide,
Their Courage proves false Metal when 'tis try'd,
Allegiance, Flatt'ry; and their Honour, Pride.
But YOU in such Illustrious Paths have trod
As differ scarce the Hero from the God:
Nothing (but meerly human) e'er has yet
At once been first in Worth, and first in Wit,
At least, till Dorset liv'd and Dorset writ.
Never till our third Edward's Days from Heav'n
Was such a Spur to Emulation giv'n:
What see we like it thro' all Ages past?
Or what so likely thro' all Times to last?
HONOUR, the Hero's shining Prize, does here
In such a sweet, yet noble Shape appear;


Were conquer'd Nations added to our Isle,
This bright Reward outbids the Blood and Toil.
The famous Patron of this Order who
(Tho' granting all the Legends of him true)
In after times will be less fam'd than You;
(For what's a Monster conquer'd in his Rage
To your restoring the Virgilian Age,
Honour to COURTS, and Vertue to the STAGE)
Ev'n He at Your Installment shou'd rejoice;
At once the People's Love and Prince's Choice.
What may we hope from HIM whom all agree
Worthy of Marks that honour Royalty?
The KING, 'tis true, the Favour does confer,
Nor is it less when Kingdoms do concur.
This Roll, full of the like in Worth and Name,
May cure the French King's Tympany of Fame,
When in those Fields the Hero's shall appear
Who this illustrious BADGE of England wear,
And WILLIAM, chief of the GREAT ORDER there;
Not Comets hung from Heav'n with fatal Hair,
Can bode more swift Destruction, Plague and War:
Then British Swords will in French Blood be dy'd,
And great Belshazzar tumble from his Pride.