University of Virginia Library

The .lxvij. Psalme.

Be mercifull to vs (O God) & blesse vs at thy wyll:
And lyghtē thy bright countenāce amonge thy seruauntes styll.
That through the earth thyne holy waye maye be certenly knowe:
And thyne health through out all contreys for all they are thyne owne.
Let the people prayse the (O God) let all people prayse the:
And let thē al reioyce because they be iudged by the.
Let them reioyce in the I saye, & be mery and glad:
Because all nations of the earth by thy iustice are ladde.
Let the people prayse the (O God) let all people prayse the:
And let the earth bryng forth hir fruite, as thy pleasure shall be.
Blesse vs (O God) I saye our god, blesse vs in verite:
That all that dwell vpon the earth maye stand in awe of the.