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De sancto Marco
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De sancto Marco

Sein Mark þe holy gospellar wide wende alon[de]
Forto prechi Cristendom þoru oure Louerdes sonde
He prechede longe in Egipt and suþþe atte ende
Into þe lond of Alisandre þanne he gan wende
Þo he com into Alysandre is on nywe sso
Wiþoute hurtynge of eny þing bigan to berste ato
Þo was þis godeman adrad longe he stod in þoȝt
Nou is he sede my porpos & my wey to ende ibroȝt
Ȝif it my Louerdes wille be[o] þat me wole þene deþ sende
Prest ich am to auonge is wille & woder so he wole to wende
Forþ he wende to a soutare ȝif he is sso make miȝte
Þe soutare atte veorste stiche wel vuel is hond priȝte
Sori he was & wroþ anon for him smerte swuþe sore
Sein Mark bigan to prechi him & prechede of Godes lore
And bad him to biluue on God and Cristendom auonge
And he wolde hele is hond þat ipriȝt was so stronge
Sein Mark wiþ is spotele watte a lite eorþe in þe gronde
Þer wiþ he smurede is sore hond & he bicom hol & sonde
Þe soutare anon and alle his and ech þat in þe stret com
Gonne to biluue on Iesu Crist and auonge Cristendom
Sein Mark ȝeode wide alonde to prechi Godes lawe
Þe prince of þe lond it vnderȝet & þoȝte him do of dawe
He let him seche into al þat lond & þo he was yfonde
He let him drawe þoru al þe toun to an hors is tail ybonde


Forte hi to þe prison come hi caste him þer inne anon
Ouer al is fleiss todrawe was to þe bare bon
Ouer al þere as me him drou þe mossels leie wel grete
Al blody were ek of is blod þe stones in þe strete
A niȝt as he in prison lay oure Louerd to him com
In þe forme þat he was an eorþe þe he mankunde nom
Marke he sede be[o] wel glad ȝarke þe wel blyue
For þi name is iwrite in þe boc of eche lyue
Þou sselt to morwe for my loue soffri deþ wel stronge
And suþþe myne riche of heuene wiþoute ende auonge
Sein Mark þonkede oure Louerd ȝerne as he inis bede lay
Amorwe þe prince him up vette anon so it was day
He let nime a strang rop & aboute is swere binde
And teie him suþþe to a wild horse to þe tail byhinde
He let him drawe þoru al þe toun þat lime fram oþer wende
He moste nede holde to þe grace þat God him hadde ysende
Þis was in þe monþe of Aueril vaste me ssolde is eue
Ac for þe heie feste of Ester me it deþ bileue
His day me fast þoru al þe lond ac for him nis it noȝt
Ac for honur of þe baners þat worþ þanne ferst out ibroȝt
And for feste of Letanie þat biuore May
Holy Churche halt eche ȝer a sein Markes day