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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 66. Jubilate Deo.

Ad Præstantem, Canticum Psalmi.


In God be joyfull all the earth,
his Names renowne to raise:


Sing Psalmes, make loud triumphant mirth,
put glory to his praise.


Say unto God, Thy dreadfull deeds,
who can enough expresse?
Whose foes, thy power, that so exceeds,
(faign'd tongues, false hearts) confesse.


The earth throughout, to worship thee,
their humbled hearts shall frame;
And of thy praise, in Psalmes agree,
to sing unto thy Name.



The workes of God, O come and see,
what he to passe hath brought,
What terrible atchievements he
for Adams sons hath wrought.


The Sea, away on heaps he sent,
the Deep he made dry ground:
Where, through the floud on foot we went,
in him, there joy we found.


He rules for ever by his power,
on Nations sets his eies:
That (never rais'd, but, to devoure)
rebellion, never rise.



And ye, our God, O people blesse,
with tongues, and hearts prepar'd,
Through every land, let more or lesse,
his praises voice be heard.



Which putting deaths blacke darts aside,
our soule in life doth stay:
And suffering not our foot to slide,
upholds us in our way.


For thou, O God, didst triall make,
what heat we could endure:
If fire could force us thee forsake,
that fines the silver pure.


Thou broughtst us where we were betrai'd,
and tangled in the net:
Where straitnesse on our loines was laid,
and pinching pannels set.


Thou causedst men, as heads of nought,
above our heads to ride:
Through fire and waters hast us brought,
where peace and plenty bide.


With offrings burnt my vowes to pay,
I to thine house will presse,
Performing what my lips did say,
the mouth of my distresse.


Burnt sacrifices, fatlings throats,
to thee will I returne:
Rams incense, Bullockes, and Buck-goats,
upon thine Altar burne.



O come, and hearken every one,
of God that stand in feare;
And for my soule what he hath done,
ye from my mouth shall heare.


I with my mouth to him complain'd,
his praise my tongue preferr'd:
If wicked sight my heart had stain'd,
the Lord would not have heard.


God surely heard my voice complaine,
my praier to him repaire:


Blest God, that turn'd not backe againe
his mercy from my prai'r.