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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Oh! I praye thee, do thou, rehearse it to vs heere/
The whiles we be present, altogether assembled.

Harken-too then/let not your Hearts be combred.
God hath ; by the Scripture; commanded vs each-one/
To haue no strainge

Exo. 20.a. Leuit. 19.a. Deut [illeg.].

Gods, besydes Hym alone:

For Hee is God only, and Creator of all.
Also, that no man, be he Great or Small/
Shall in any wyse, vse his Name

Leui. 19.b. Eccl. 22.a.

in vayne.

They shall in their Hearts, furdermore retayne/
That they do sanctify, the Lords Gabboth daye.
Eueryone in like sort ; so much as he maye;
Shall dutifully honour, his Father and his Mother:
And not seeke iniuryously, to kill

Math 5.c.

or hurt another.

Man and Wyfe also, shall keepe themselues warely/
That they in any case, do not commit Adultery.
Moreouer, in Theeuery,

Math. 19. Rom. 13. Ephe. 4.

men shall in no wyse liue:

Nor yet against Anyone, false

Exo. 20.b. Deut. 5.b. Math. 19.b. Rom. 13.a.

Testimony giue.

They shall liue reasonable, without any Abuce.
And shall likewyse couet, nomans Howse, to their Bee.
Nor his Wyfe/nor yet anything, that Another-man doth owe/
Now looke into yourselues, whether ye haue liued thus or noe.

Our Heart quaketh/we haue not knowen of this.


Exo. 20.b.

Ezo. 20.b. Math. 15.

Deut. 5.b. Math. 5.c. Rom. 13.a.