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I send you a message of love on the wings of hope

Fond Love, who lives in my heart for thee,
Had a message this morning he wanted to send,
While Fear, who will ever beside him be,
Cried: “Better beware, my friend!”
But then, sweet Memory woke awhile,
And softly she told in Love's true ear,
Of a certain bewitching and eloquent smile,
Which you have forgotten, I fear!
Young Hope, who was listening, caught the sound,
All beaming with light, she flew to Love—
“Oh! round my wings, be your billetdoux bound,
And I'll be your carrier-dove!”
'T was done—Hope went—(she knows the way
By heart, for she 's travelled it oft ere now)—
Ah! send her back to me, sweet, I pray,
With the same unclouded brow!
She will furl, at your feet, her weary wing,
And oh! if the billet she bears be fled,
Think that Fear must have followed and loosened the string—
And just guess all that Love would have said.