University of Virginia Library



Your hand, my dear Junior! we're all in a flame
To see a few more of your flashes;
The Croakers forever! I'm proud of the name—
But, brother, I fear, though our cause is the same,
We shall quarrel like Brutus and Cassius.
But why should we do so? 'tis false what they tell
That poets can never be cronies;
Unbuckle your harness, in peace let us dwell;
Our goose-quills will canter together as well
As a pair of Prime

A wealthy and worthy banker of the house of Prime, Ward & Sands, in Wall Street.

mouse-colored ponies.

Once blended in spirit, we'll make our appeal,
And by law be incorporate too;
Apply for a charter in crackers to deal;
A fly-flapper rampant shall shine on our seal,
And the firm shall be “Croaker & Co.”
Fun! prosper the union—smile, Fate, on its birth!
Miss Atropos, shut up your scissors;
Together we'll range through the regions of mirth,
A pair of bright Gemini dropped on the earth,
The Castor and Pollux of quizzers.



[Mr. Editor: I wish you to precede the lines I send you enclosed, by republishing Mr. Hamilton's late letter to the Governor verbatim, in order that the world may see that, on this occasion, at least, the poet does not deal in fiction.]

“To De Witt Clinton, Governor of the State of New York.

Sir: To your shame and confusion let it be recorded, that you dare not assume the responsibility of preserving to our national councils a patriotic and distinguished statesman, while you could advocate the publication of an insidious and base attack upon private character through the public organ of your administration.

“You know the motive of my visit to Mr. Root—you were not ignorant that the senatorial reëlection of Rufus King

Rufus King, then recently chosen United-States Senator from the State of New York, an eminent statesman and diplomatist.

was to me a subject of deep personal concern; and on this occasion you declared that you had marked my course, and that this support should recoil with vengeance upon the Republican party. To those intimate with your pusillanimity and intrigues, you disappoint no expectation. The traducer of America's brightest ornaments can only be consistent within the sphere of his degeneracy. It is the pride of the name I bear, to be distinguished by your envenomed malignity—one and all, we are opposed to your administration and your character. I am induced to make this explanation as a permanent obligation to the public; to my own feelings it is perfectly humiliating. I have the honor to remain,

“Your obedient servant,


See previous note for that gentleman's position.

Assembly Chamber, March 8th, 1819.”