University of Virginia Library


Silly maiden, weigh them not—
Butterflies are earthly things;
Thou forget'st their lowly lot,
Gazing on their glittering wings.
Rather weigh thy taper pale,
With the light by Luna given;
Will the heaven-ray turn the scale?
Will the earth-lamp rise to heaven?
Love,—ethereal, holy Love!
Buoyant, joyous, proud, and free,—
Maiden, see! he soars above
Worldly Pride and Vanity.


Rightly to its native earth
Sinks the gilded insect-fly;
Love—of holier, heavenlier birth—
Rises toward his home on high!
Maiden! throw the scales away,
Never weigh poor Love again;
Let his pinions freely play,
Bind him not with vassal-chain.
See! he lifts his wondering eye
Half reproachfully to thee;—
Measured with a butterfly!
I'd take wing if I were he.
If he must be proved and tried,
Weigh him in thine own true heart,
'Gainst a frowning world beside,—
Wealth and rank with bow and dart!
If he do not scorn the measure,
Soaring high o'er them and thee,—
Worth the world and worldly treasure,—
Mark me! Love outweighs the three!

On a picture of a Maiden with Scales, weighing Love with a Butterfly: the winged boy rises, and the motto beneath is, “Love is the lightest!”