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MARCH 26, 1905
Who comes with tidings from afar?
What says the peasant, what the Czar?
In farthest East, where fearful strife
Pours Nation's blood for Nation's life?
How fare the armies madly matched?
What new conspiracies are hatched
In that dark house where counsels lag
While fierce Rebellion waves her flag?
Still does complacent Europe smirk
At the pledged promise of the Turk?
As fruitless as their sympathies
Who rail at his iniquities,
But never yet have plucked up heart
To act a valiant Champion's part!
On our own shores, what new surprise?
What forecast, both of fools and wise?
What covert heaping of the spoil?
What protest of hard-handed toil?
What Sunday sentences of good?
What Monday floating with the flood?


Questions like these, and many more
Are answered at our very door.
Who is it that thus daily reads
The riddle of our human needs?
What giant with a million hands,
With feet familiar in all lands,
Tracks through this world the flight of Fame,
Rehearsed to us for praise or blame?
Who is this Master-Servant? Guess.
What is it but The Daily Press!