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Page 222

62. LXII.

Glory! Micklellan, the nashun's pride, is nominatid!
Bein a orthodox Dimekrat, the nominashen
soots me! Nominashens alluz soots orthodox
Dimekrats! In 30 years' experience, I never
knew a nominashen that dident.

Me and my Church wuz for peese. We wuz for
Suthern rites. We wuz opposed to drafts, and
had purchast revolvers. Ther4 the incomparible
Micklellan wuz not our fust choice. The fact is,
the grate George wuz a war man wunst, and wuz
the original inventor uv drafts, wich don 't make
him ez acceptable to us ez he mite be. But ther 's
a excoose for him. The Dimokrasy must bare in
mind that the unforchnit man hed sunk sum
85,000 Ablishnists sumwher about Richmond, and
ez he knew uv the prejoodis existin agin volunteerin
under him, he insistid on hevin uv em brot
in by draft. It was all dun for the benefit uv the
Dimokrasy, becoz: The Dimekrats drafted wood
resist or run to Kanady—the Ablishnists wood


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go, and, halleloogy! but few uv em wood ever

On receet uv the news I immejitly called my
flock together, announst it to em, and giv em the
follerin breef biographical sketch uv our candidate,
ez follows:

George B. Micklellan wus born uv rich but honist
parence, sumwher, in the yeer 18—. (I luv
accoorasy.) The nationality uv his parence I am
not shoor uv, but from the fact that all the bitter
old Kno-Nothins is a supportin him, I shood think
he wuz uv Irish extraction. His great pint was
promptnis and decision uv karicter, and these
quality displayed itself at a erly period. It is on
rekord in the arkives uv the family, that he cried
immejitly after he wuz borned, and commenst
nursin within a hour. He wuz remarkable at
skool for the same quality. No sooner did the
clock strike noon, than young George wood
promptly leeve the house. The fucher general
wuz foreshaddered in the skill with wich he robbed
melon patches. He made reglar approaches,
wich were skillful, but his retreets wuz magnifisent.
He cood change his base bootiful—shiftin
from melon patchis to orchards with neetnis and
dispatch. Another peekooliarity uv young George
shows how troo is the sayin, that “The child is


Page 224
father uv the man.” Wile George cood alluz very
elaboritly stratejise hisself int2 a melon patch or
orchard, he never stratejised hisself out with any
melons or apples.

He wuz edikatid at West Pint, and wuz finally
made President uv the Ohio and Mississippy Rale-rode.
Here his decishun agin showd itself. He
conseeved the bold ijee uv gravelin the road, wun
mornin, at 31 minutes past 11. Wun yeer frum
that time he announst to the Drektors that 17 labrers
and an ekal number uv wheelbarrers hed bin
prokoored, and he wuz bizzy, at that time, perfectin
a plan for organizin uv em. 2 months after
he announst his plan perfected, and that operations
hed commenst on a gravel-pit. 4 days uv
brilyantly successful work follered, wen he announst
that he wuz obleegd to suspend operations,
that 5 wheelbarrers wuz broke, and 7 labrers hed
the diarrear. He wood reorganize promptly, and
proceed. Reorganizin this forse, and perfectin a
new plan uv approach, only okepied 8 months,
and the work wood hev bin commenst by this
time, had not the war broke out. The pay uv
the Fedral Guvment bein larger and more surer
than the Confedrasy, he relinquisht ralerodin and
entered the Fedral serviss.

His military career is knowd by all on us.


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Suffice it 2 say, that no general wuz ever so beluvd
South, and so hated North, wich wuz wat
prokoord his nominashen.

Sich, my brethrin, is our candidate. Let us
all sink our prejoodisis, and elect him. The platform
on wich he stands I endorse with my whole
hart. I hevent read it yet, but it must be good,
for Vallandigum made it. The post-orfises, the
treasury, for wich we hev bin waitin 4 long,
dreery yeres, is within our reech. Let us, my
brethrin, go in and win. The cheerin for me will
now commense.

A collekshun wuz taken up to defray expensis
uv the campane. $8 wuz reelizd, wich wuz paid
over to me. I shel probably appere on the stump
in a new pair uv pants.

Petroleum V. Nasby,
Paster uv sed Church, in charge.