University of Virginia Library


    • St. Louis, Mo.— Hon. Wm. B. Napton, President.

    • John Wickham, Vice President.

    • C. P. Ellerbe, Secretary and Treasurer.

    • New York— E. C. Cabell, President.

    • John R. Thompson, Secretary.

    • Alexandria, Va.— Wm. G. Cazenove, President.

    • L. M. Blackford, Vice President.

    • K. Kemper, Secretary.

    • Petersburg, Va.— Thomas Withers, M. D., President.

    • Col. Fletcher H. Archer, Vice President.

    • W. Gordon McCabe, Secretary and Treasurer.


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    • Richmond, Va.— Judge John A. Meredith, President.

    • Col. John B. Young, 1st Vice President.

    • Dr. O. Fairfax, 2d Vice President.

    • Col. H. P. Jones, 3d Vice President.

    • Philip Haxall, Secretary.

    • Wm. B. Isaacs, Jr., Treasurer.

    • President ex-officio. Executive Committee.

    • Isaac H. Carrington, Executive Committee.

    • Gen. James H. Lane, Executive Committee.

    • John S. Wise, Executive Committee.

    • W. H. Haxall, Executive Committee.

    • Lower Shenandoah
      Valley, Winchester.
      Col. Thos. T. Fauntleroy, President.

    • A. Magill Smith, Vice President.

    • Col. F. W. M. Holliday, Vice President.

    • Alexander R. Pendleton, Secretary.

    • Lynchburg, Va.— R. G. H. Kean, President.

    • Dr. Thos. L. Walker, Vice President.

    • James W. Morgan, Secretary and Treasurer.

    • New Orleans, La.—Wm. M. Burwell, President.

    • T. L. Macon, Vice President.

    • I. H. Kennard, Secretary.

    • Maryland —H. C. Dallam, President.

    • Rev. T. U. Dudley, Vice President.

    • R. M. Venable, Vice President.

    • Dr. Edward Warren, Vice President.

    • Col. Chas. Marshall, Vice President.

    • A. T. Ritchie, Esq., Vice President.

    • Dr. C. W. Chancellor, Vice President.

    • C. Powell Grady, Secretary and Treasurer.

    • Southwestern Virginia
      — Hon. John W. Johnston, President.

    • Hon. William Terry, Vice President.

    • Dr. Rob. J. Preston, Vice President.

    • Dr. Harvey Black, Vice President.

    • Capt. John M. Preston, Vice President.

    • Prof. C. E. Vawter, Vice President.

    • M. R. Venable, Secretary and Treasurer.