University of Virginia catalogue | ||
Z. W. Coombs, A. B., Instructor.
The work, under the personal supervision of the Instructor, consists of:
I. Class Exercise with light (wooden) dumb-bells.
II. Class Drill with chest weights.
III. Class Exercise with Indian clubs.
Each student is examined physically and measured at least once a year.
On the basis of this examination a hand-book of developing exercises is
made out and given to him, with exercises marked that are adapted to
his individual needs.
The concurrent judgment of all authorities on Physical Culture is that the
true aim of gymnastic exercise should be to develop not athletes, but sound
men; not to encourage professionalism in athletic sports, but to make them
a means by which a healthy development of mind and body is secured.
Therefore, such exercises are given as will increase the respiration, quicken
the circulation of the blood, stimulate the abdominal viscera, and make the
muscles and limbs elastic. In this way, and in this way only, the gymnasium
and physical exercise become valuable and necessary factors in education.
The appliances for Physical Culture consist of the Squibb Gymnasium,
with its apparatus for light and heavy gymnastics, and the Rives Boat-House,
with a number of boats and appliances for rowing. In addition,
ample space has been provided for out-door sports. A running-track, a baseball
and foot-ball field, and numerous tennis-courts have been laid out; and
the grounds will be brought each year into a better state of improvement.
The subject of Athletics is under the general control of a Committee of the
Faculty, and under the special direction of the Students' Athletic Association,
which appoints boards of directors for Foot-Ball, Base-Ball, Tennis,
Track Athletics, Rowing, etc.
The Instructor in Physical Culture will give help and information to students
training for any of the athletic contests.
Students who enter the Squibb Gymnasium pay a fee of $8 to the Proctor.
This is applied to the maintenance of the Gymnasium and the compensation
of the Instructor. Well-furnished baths have recently been added to the
University of Virginia catalogue | ||