The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||
IUNE THE 28th 1619
Sr Edwin Sandis Knt. Thr̃er. | ||
Sr Iohn Dãuers. | mr Thorpe. | mr Morer. |
Sr Edw: Harwood. | mr Tomlins. | mr Couell. |
Sr Nath: Rich. | Capt Argoll. | mr Swinhowe. |
mr Aldr̃an Iohnson. | mr Essington. | mr Darnelly. |
mr Iohn Wroth. | mr Antho: Abdy. | mr Wiseman. |
mr Xo Brooke. | mr Cartwright. | mr Berblock. |
mr Morrice Abbott. | mr Wheatly. | mr ladwine. |
mr Ferrar Dpt̃. | mr Barber. | With others. |
mr Chambers. |
Vpon reading the last order in the last Court, touching the place of
meeting of the Magazine Adventurers, mr Thr̃er signified to the Cort,
that by reason of such contrary desires to meete a part, they could
haue noe meeting wth the Adventurers at all, and therefore shewed
two reasons that might induce them not to fly from the standing order:
One, that the Generall Company hath twice as greate an Adventure
therein, as any of the greatest perticuler Adventurers: And the other,
that hetherto from time to time, their meetings haue beene at the
same time and place, where and when the generall Courtℯ hath beene
kept, sauing onely twice: Wch was replyed by mr Aldr̃an Iohnson
Director of the Magazine, that it could not be soe convenient to meete
together as in meeting a part; because at such meeting ⅓ wilbe of the
Generality, but if it be for the mayntayning of the Standing order,
that their meetings should be both in one place; it was not unknowne,
but that Sr Thomas Smith hath offred his howse for them at any time
to sitt in, who being a great Adventurer was worthy to haue a voice
[as] ∥stet∥ occasion serueth amongst them; and the rather that he
thousand poundℯ, wch if they pleased to cleare them of that bond, he
would consent to meete where they pleased. Wch was answered by
mr Thr̃er, that one reason why they should be vndeuided, was, that
from time to time they might receaue their authority from the Gen-
erall Corts: and mr Aldr̃an well said, they were not tyed to a perticuler
place of meeting, therefore he would be willing (if the Court should
soe like of it) that they should meet sometimes at Sr Thomas Smiths,
at such time as Sr Thomas Smith should haue occasion to desire
to be present. And for the 1000li wch Sr Thomas Smith, Sr Iohn Wol-
stenholme, and mr Alderman Iohnson standeth bound he held it not
convenient to haue any Diuident till that were paid. Wherevpon
many in the Court agreeing in opinion wth him, it was desired to be [20]
putt to the question; wch being propounded, whither the Thowsand
poundℯ should be paid, that is at interest at seauen p̱ Cent or that
the Vndertakers should remayne in bondℯ, and a Diuident be made
the Adventurers, by erecc̃on of handℯ was concluded, that the said
vndertakers should be released, by repaying the said some of 1000li
into the Chamber of London before there should be any Divident.
Next was moued by Mr Thr̃er the prosequuting of the Proposic̃on
agreed of in the Last Quarter Cort, wch was, that the Magazine should
imitate the order of the Company: ffirst that Officers should be yearely
chosen and sworne & that §an§ a true Acc0 should be deliuered in vpon
their Oaths. And first taking into considerac̃on the choice of their
Director, it was propounded whither they would haue one or two,
wch was agreed to haue but one; and mr Aldr̃an Iohnson being there-
vnto nominated and putt to the question, was by erecc̃on of handℯ
confirmed. Likewise to be assisting to mr Director, choice is now
made of fiue Comittees, viztt, mr Essington, mr Rich: Morer, mr Edward
Ditchfield, mr Richard Caswell, and mr Berblock. And for Auditors
mr Abraham Cartwright, Mr George Chambers, Mr Henry Briggs and
mr Richard Wiseman, who are desired to be at the next Court to take
their oaths: and also against that time an exact Account be giuen of
the State of the Cash, & what debts is owing, that (if it may be) halfe
a Capitall may be deuided amongst the Adventurers.
And it was also by mr Thr̃er desired that the 340li wch the Magazine
oweth to the Generall stock may be forthwth paid, he hauing such
extraordinary occasion to vse mony for the setting out the shipp
agreed to be sent, and what cann be proued either by order of Cort, or
otherwise to be due vnto them they shall haue it paid, and therefore
when the Auditors now chosen for the Magazine shall haue seene
into the Accounts, they would repaire to the Generall Auditors at his
howse to conclude the differences vpon Tuesday seauennight at two of
the Clock in the afternoone. And against that time did also request
that they would giue themselues vnderstanding of the first Magazine
sett out in the Susan, that the Generall Stock may receaue the mony
due vnto them vpon that voyage, and that the Account may be cleered
without further delay.
Mr George Chambers in the behalfe of Martins Hundred desired the
Company to make examinac̃on of some abuses offred to their Cor-
porac̃on by the Mr and Marriners of the Ship, as also to rectify some
wrong done vnto them by the Capemerchant: Wherevpon the Court
was pleased to call before them the Marriners, administring vnto
them an Oath to answere vnto such Interrogotories as shalbe law-
fully demaunded of them touching Martins Hundred: wch done the
examinac̃on thereof was referred to two of the Counsell and two of the
Company, viztt, to mr Aldr̃an Iohnson, mr Morrice Abbott, & mr Abdy
and mr Cartwright. And for wrong donne by the Capemerchant, it
being not their case alone that complaynes, It was agreed that a ɫre
should be written from the Counsell to Sr George Yeardley, and that
Mr Chambers and others [23][9]
findeth none soe fitt and convenient for them as mr Deputy fferrars,
if it pleased him to let the Company haue her, there being Cabbins
and euery thing in a readines. But inasmuch as a Publique impu-
tac̃on was Laid vpon him in the disputing of men to be sent to the
Colledge Land, in saying that he had some priuate endℯ in solliciting
it soe hard; he therefore desired to be excused, and that they would
prouide some other, Least in performing their desire he should drawe
the Cort, who generally cleering him of that imputac̃on he hath
(through the good he wisheth vnto the Company) condiscended to their
request, and referred it to the Comittees to allowe him for ffraight
what they shall thinke good.
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||