University of Virginia Library

II. Psychology

Psychology B1: General Psychology.—A survey of the principles of psychology,
either as part of a liberal education or as preparation for professional
study. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Ferguson
and Mr. Scott.

Psychology B2: (Education B2): Educational Psychology.— (See school
of Education.

Psychology C1: (Education C1): Advanced General Psychology: Psychology
B1 and one B course in Philosophy prerequisite.
—An intensive study
of fundamental processes and problems, involving a survey of important
modern contributions to psychological literature, with emphasis upon a systematic
formulation of results. To be given in alternate years with Psychology
Professor Ferguson.

Psychology C2: (Education C6): Mental Tests and Their Applications:
Psychology B1 and one B course in Philosophy prerequisite.—A study of
the more important mental tests and intelligence scales, with practice in
their administration and interpretation. To be given in alternate years with
Psychology C1.
Professor Ferguson.

Psychology D1: Admission on approval of the professor in charge.
Advanced work to meet the needs of individual students. Professor Ferguson.