University of Virginia Library


Dormitory.—Students may reside in the university dormitories,
in private houses approved by the president, or in their homes.
Any change of residence during the session should be reported at the
office of the registrar.

Students desiring rooms in the university dormitories should
make application to the Bursar, enclosing in every case the reservation
fee of five dollars, which will be returned should there be no
vacant room to let.

The occupant of a dormitory has the first right to it, and may
reserve it for the next session, by contract with the Bursar, and depositing
$5.00 (which is in no case returnable), not later than May
first. The balance of the rent shall be paid not later than the first
registration day of the session, otherwise such preference or other
right shall be forfeited. No dormitory may be sublet; nor shall the
same be used for improper purposes. For rental of university dormitories,
see p. 110.

Boarding.—Students may board and lodge either in the university
precincts or at their homes, or in houses licensed by the faculty. It
is the duty of the president to withdraw the license from any house


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in which the regulations as to the conduct of students are not observed.
Change of lodging should be reported at the registrar's office.

Medical Attendance.—Any student who is temporarily ill from
causes not due to his own misconduct is entitled, without charge,
to all necessary medical advice from the university physician; and,
if necessary, to skillful nursing in the University Hospital at a reasonable
charge for his maintenance while there. This exemption
from charge does not apply to cases requiring surgical operation,
chronic cases, or to constitutional disorders of long standing from
which the student in question was suffering at the time of his coming
to the university. Students who take the responsibility of
boarding at houses not approved by the Board of Health forfeit
the right to this exemption. Students residing at their own homes,
who waive this right, are entitled to the remission of a portion of
the university fee. Any student sent to the University Hospital
by the advice and under the care of a physician other than the
university physician will be required to pay the regular hospital
charges for private patients.

Physical Training.—No student is permitted to undertake an
amount of work greater than he may reasonably be expected to do
well without detriment to his physical health; and every student is
advised to take a due amount of daily outdoor exercise, for which
ample opportunities are afforded upon the athletic fields, the tennis
courts, the golf course, and in other forms; and in addition, to
make systematic use of the facilities afforded without cost for definite
and judicious physical training at the Fayerweather Gymnasium
under the advice and instruction of the director and his assistants.
Further information upon this important subject will be found upon
a subsequent page.